Partie XXXI. Chaînes de caractères

Table des matières

string — conversion en chaîne de caractères
ascii — string ascii conversions
blanks — Create string of blank characters
code2str — returns character string associated with Scilab integer codes.
convstr — case conversion
emptystr — zero length string
grep — find matches of a string in a vector of strings
isalphanum — check that characters of a string are alphanumerics
isascii — tests if character is a 7-bit US-ASCII character
isdigit — check that characters of a string are digits between 0 and 9
isletter — check that characters of a string are alphabetics letters
isnum — tests if a string represents a number
justify — Justify character array.
length — length of object
part — extraction of strings
regexp — find a substring that matches the regular expression string
sci2exp — converts an expression to a string
str2code — return scilab integer codes associated with a character string
strcat — concatenate character strings
strchr — Find the first occurrence of a character in a string
strcmp — compare character strings
strcmpi — compare character strings (case independent)
strcspn — Get span until character in string
strindex — search position of a character string in an other string.
strings — Scilab Object, character strings
stripblanks — strips leading and trailing blanks (and tabs) of strings
strncpy — Copy characters from strings
strrchr — Find the last occurrence of a character in a string
strrev — returns string reversed
strsplit — split a string into a vector of strings
strspn — Get span of character set in string
strstr — Locate substring
strsubst — substitute a character string by another in a character string.
strtod — Convert string to double.
strtok — Split string into tokens
tokenpos — returns the tokens positions in a character string.
tokens — returns the tokens of a character string.
tree2code — generates ascii definition of a Scilab function