auwrite — writes .au sound file
auwrite(y,aufile) auwrite(y,Fs,aufile) auwrite(y,Fs,bits,aufile) auwrite(y,Fs,bits,method,aufile)
real vector or matrix with entries in [-1,1].
string (The .au extension is appended if no extension is given)
integer, frequency sampling in Hz.
integer, number of bits in the encoding.
string , 'mu'
(default) or 'linear'
, encoding method.
Utility function to save .au
sound file.
writes a sound file specified by the
string aufile. The data should be arranged with one channel
per column. Amplitude values outside the range [-1,+1] are
Supports multi-channel data for 8-bit mu-law, and 8, 16, 32, 64 bits linear formats.
specifies in Fs
the sample rate of the data
in Hertz.
selects the number of bits in
the encoder. Allowable settings are bits in [8,16,32,64].
allows selection of the
encoding method, which can be either 'mu' or 'linear'.
Note that bits must be 8 for 'mu' choice. The default method is 8-bits mu-law enconding.