compute_initial_temp — A SA function which allows to compute the initial temperature of the simulated annealing
T_init = compute_initial_temp(x0,f,proba_init,ItMX,neigh_func,param_neigh_func)
the starting point
the objective function which will be send to the simulated annealing for optimization
the initial probability of accepting a bad solution (usually around 0.7)
the number of iterations of random walk (usually around 100)
a function which returns a neighbor of a given point (see the help page of neigh_func to see the prototype of this function)
some parameters (can be a list) which will be sent as parameters to neigh_func
The initial temperature corresponding to the given probability of accepting a bad solution
This function computes an initial temperature given an initial probability of accepting a bad solution. This computation is based on some iterations of random walk.