
graphics_entities — description of the graphics entities data structures


In Scilab, graphics window and the drawing it contains are represented by hierchical entities. The hierachy top level is the Figure. Each Figure defines at least one child of type Axes. Each Axes entity contains a set of leaf entities which are the basic graphics objects like Polylines, Rectangles, Arcs, Segs,... It can also contain an Compound type which are recursive sets of entities. The main interest of the graphic mode is to make property change easier. This graphics'mode provides a set of high-level graphing routines (see set, get) used to control objects' properties such as data, coordinates and scaling, color and appearences without requiring to replay the initial graphics commands.

Graphics entities are associated to Scilab variables of type handle. The handle is a unique identifier which is associated to each instance of a created graphical entity. Using this handle, it will be possible to reach entities' properties through "set" and "get" routines. The handles are also used to manipulate graphics objects, to move them, to make copies or delete them.


The figure entity is the top level of the graphics entities hierarchy. This entity defines the parameters for the figure itself as well as the parameters' default values for the children creation. The figure children are the Axes entities.

The handle on the current figure (the figure used where the drawing are sent) may be got using get("current_figure") and it may be set using set("current_figure",h), where h is either a handle on a figure or a figure_id in this last case if the figure does not already exists , it is created

See figure_properties for details.


The Axes entity is the second level of the graphics entities hierarchy. This entity defines the parameters for the change of coordinates and the axes drawing as well as the parameters' default values for its children creation. See axes_properties for details. The handle on the current Axes may be got using get("current_axes").


The Compound entity is just a vector of children and with a single property (visibility property). It is used to glue a set of entities together.

See glue, unglue and Compound_properties functions.


The Axis entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. This entity defines the parameters for axis scaling and appearance.

See axis_properties for details.


The polyline entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. It defines 2D and 3D polylines and polylines extensions drawing properties.

See polyline_properties for details.


The Arc entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. This entity defines the parameters for ellipses and part of ellipses.

See arc_properties for details.


The Rectangle entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. This entity defines the parameters for rectangles and filled rectangles.

See rectangle_properties for details.


The Surface entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. It has sub types Fac3d or Plot3d. This entity defines the parameters for 3d surface plots.

See surface_properties for details.


The Fec entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. It represents 2D finite elements plots .

See fec_properties for details.


The Grayplot entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. It represents 2D plots of surface using colors and images.

See grayplot_properties for details.


The Matplot entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. It represents 2D plots using integer matrices.

See Matplot_properties for details.


The Segs entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. This entity defines the parameters for a set of colored segments or colored arrows.

See segs_properties for details.


The Champ entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. This entity defines the parameters for a 2D vector field.

See champ_properties for details.


The Text entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. This entity defines the parameters for string drawing.

See text_properties for details.


The Labels entity are children of the Axes graphics entity. This entity defines the parameters for the 3 x,y and z labels and title drawn on a graphics window.

See label_properties for details.


The Legend entity is a leaf of the graphics entities hierarchy. This entity defines the parameters for legends drawn below plot2dx graphs. This entity requires further developments.

See legend_properties for details.


//Play this example line per line

scf() //create a figure in entity mode

//get the handle on the Figure entity and display its properties
a=f.children // the handle on the Axes child
x=(1:10)';  plot2d(x,[x.^2 x.^1.5])
e=a.children //Compound of 2 polylines

p1=e.children(1) //the last drawn polyline properties
p1.foreground=5;  // change the polyline color
e.children.thickness=5; // change the thickness of the two polylines


move(e.children,[0,30]) //translate the polyline

a.axes_bounds=[0 0 0.5 0.5]; 

subplot(222) //create a new Axes entity
a1=f.children(1); //get its handle
copy(e.children,a1); //copy the polyline of the first plot in the new Axes
a1.data_bounds=[1 0;10 100]; //change the Axes bounds  

set("current_figure",10) //create a new figure with figure_id=10
plot3d() //the drawing are sent to figure 10
set("current_figure",f) //make the previous figure the current one
plot2d(x,x^3)  //the drawing are sent to the initial figure

See Also

set , get , move , draw , delete , object_editor , plot , surf