Create List (Scilab gateway) — How to get create a list in Scilab memory.
Input argument profile:
SciErr createList(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar, int _iNbItem, int** _piAddress)
SciErr createMList(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar, int _iNbItem, int** _piAddress)
SciErr createTList(void* _pvCtx, int _iVar, int _iNbItem, int** _piAddress)
Named variable profile:
SciErr createNamedList(void* _pvCtx, char* _pstName, int _iNbItem, int** _piAddress)
SciErr createNamedTList(void* _pvCtx, char* _pstName, int _iNbItem, int** _piAddress)
SciErr createNamedMList(void* _pvCtx, char* _pstName, int _iNbItem, int** _piAddress)
Scilab environment pointer, pass in "pvApiCtx" provided by api_scilab.h.
Position in the Scilab memory where you want to put the variable.
Name of the variable for "named" functions.
Number of items in the list.
Return address of the list.
Error structure where is stored errors messages history and first error number.
int list_createlist(char *fname,unsigned long fname_len) { SciErr sciErr; int *piAddr = NULL; int* piChild = NULL; double pdblData1[] = {1,3,5,2,4,6}; double pdblData2[] = {6,4,2,5,3,1}; char *pstData[] = {"may","be","the","with","puffin","you"}; short psData[] = {1,4,2,5,3,6}; double pdblPoly1[] = {1}; double pdblPoly2[] = {-2,-1}; double pdblPoly3[] = {1,2,3}; double pdblPoly4[] = {-4,-3,-2,-1}; double pdblPoly5[] = {1,2,3,4,5}; double pdblPoly6[] = {-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1}; double *pdblPoly[] = {pdblPoly1, pdblPoly3, pdblPoly5, pdblPoly2, pdblPoly4, pdblPoly6}; int piCoef[] = {1,3,5,2,4,6}; int piNbItemRow[] = {1,2,1}; int piColPos[] = {8,4,7,2}; double pdblSReal[] = {1,2,3,4}; double pdblSImg[] = {4,3,2,1}; int piBool[] = {1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1}; double* pdblDataPtr = NULL; sciErr = createList(pvApiCtx, 1, 8, &piAddr); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = createComplexMatrixOfDoubleInList(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, piAddr, 1, 3, 2, pdblData1, pdblData2); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = createMatrixOfStringInList(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, piAddr, 2, 2, 3, pstData); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = createMatrixOfInteger16InList(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, piAddr, 3, 2, 3, psData); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = createMatrixOfPolyInList(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, piAddr, 4, "x", 3, 2, piCoef, pdblPoly); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = createComplexSparseMatrixInList(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, piAddr, 5, 3, 10, 4, piNbItemRow, piColPos, pdblSReal, pdblSImg); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = createMatrixOfBooleanInList(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, piAddr, 6, 3, 3, piBool); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = createBooleanSparseMatrixInList(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, piAddr, 7, 3, 10, 4, piNbItemRow, piColPos); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } //add list in list sciErr = createListInList(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, piAddr, 8, 3, &piChild); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = createMatrixOfDoubleInList(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, piChild, 1, 3, 2, pdblData1); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } sciErr = createSparseMatrixInList(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, piChild, 2, 3, 10, 4, piNbItemRow, piColPos, pdblSReal); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } pdblDataPtr = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * 4); pdblDataPtr[0] = 1; pdblDataPtr[1] = 2; pdblDataPtr[2] = 3; pdblDataPtr[3] = 4; sciErr = createPointerInList(pvApiCtx, Rhs + 1, piChild, 3, pdblDataPtr); if(sciErr.iErr) { printError(&sciErr, 0); return 0; } LhsVar(1) = 1; return 0; }
size_ref = 8; type_ref = ["constant","string","int16","polynomial", "sparse", "boolean", "boolean sparse", "list"]; dim_ref = list([3,2],[2,3],[2,3],[3,2],[3,10],[3,3],[3,10],3); l = list_createlist(); if size(l) <> size_ref then error("failed"), end for i = 1 : size_ref if typeof(l(i)) <> type_ref(i) then error("failed"), end if size(l(i)) <> dim_ref(i) then error("failed"), end end