mfscanf — reads input from the stream pointer stream (interface to the C fscanf function)
[n,v_1,...v_n]=mfscanf([niter,]fd,format) L=mfscanf([niter,] fd,format) [n,v_1,...v_n]=mscanf([niter,] format) L=mscanf([niter,]format) [n,v_1,...v_m]=msscanf([niter,]str,format) L=msscanf([niter,] str,format)
a Scilab string describing the format to use to write the remaining operands. The format operand follows, as close as possible, the C printf format operand syntax as described in scanf_conversion.
The fd parameter returned by the function
is used as a file descriptor (it's a
positive integer). The value -1 refers to the last opened
a Scilab string or string vector.
an integer, the number of times the format as to be used.
an integer, the number of data read or -1 if EOL has been encountered before any datum has been read.
Each function reads characters, interprets them according to a
format, and stores the results in its output arguments. If more than
$n$ output arguments are provided, the last ones
are set to empty matrices.
if all data are homogeneous they are stored in a unique vector
which is returned, otherwise subsequences of same data type are
stored in matrices and an mlist
(with type
) containing all the built matrices is
The mfscanf
function reads characters from the
stream fd
The mscanf
function reads characters from Scilab
The msscanf
function reads characters from the
Scilab string str
The niter
optional argument specifies how many
time the format has to used. One iteration produces one line in the output
matrix. If niter==-1
the function iterates up to the
end of file. The niter
default value is 1.
comments about precision :
mfscanf is based on C function fscanf. If you use '%f', '%g', '%e' as format your datas will be cast to float and returned in a scilab variable.
This scilab variable is a double then you can have some precision errors. In this case, it is better to use '%lg' format.
//---------------------------------------------------------- //-- Simple use -- //---------------------------------------------------------- s='1 1.3' //a string [n,a,b]=msscanf(s,"%i %e") L=msscanf(s,"%i %e") //---------------------------------------------------------- //-- Formats samples -- //---------------------------------------------------------- msscanf(" 12\n",'%c%c%c%c') //scan characters msscanf('0xabc','%x') //scan with hexadecimal format msscanf('012345abczoo','%[0-9abc]%s') //[] notation // reading float and double msscanf('4345.988','%g')-4345.988 // scan as float msscanf('4345.988','%lg')-4345.988 // scan as double //---------------------------------------------------------- //-- scanning multi-line data files -- //---------------------------------------------------------- //create a file with data u=mopen(TMPDIR+'/foo','w'); t=(0:0.1:%pi)';mfprintf(u,"%6.3f %6.3f\n",t,sin(t)) mclose(u); u=mopen(TMPDIR+'/foo','r'); // open the file for reading //read the file line by line [n,a,b]=mfscanf(u,'%e %e') //first line using mutiple LHS syntax l=mfscanf(u,'%e %e') //second one using single LHS syntax //use niter to read 5 more lines l=mfscanf(5,u,'%e %e') //use niter=-1 to read up to the end of file l=mfscanf(-1,u,'%e %e') mclose(u); //close the file //---------------------------------------------------------- //-- scanning multi-line strings vectors -- //---------------------------------------------------------- //use niter to scan a string vector [n,Names,Ages]=msscanf(-1,["Alain 19";"Pierre 15";"Tom 12"],'%s %d') D=msscanf(-1,["Alain 19";"Pierre 15";"Tom 12"],'%s %d') typeof(D) Names=D(:,1) //strings Age=D(:,2) //numerical values