optim_nsga — A multi-objective Niched Sharing Genetic Algorithm
[pop_opt,fobj_pop_opt,pop_init,fobj_pop_init] = optim_nsga(ga_f,pop_size,nb_generation,p_mut,p_cross,Log,param,sigma,pow)
the function to be optimized. The prototype if y = f(x) or y = list(f,p1,p2,...).
the size of the population of individuals (default value: 100).
the number of generations (equivalent to the number of iterations in classical optimization) to be computed (default value: 10).
the mutation probability (default value: 0.1).
the crossover probability (default value: 0.7).
if %T, we will display to information message during the run of the genetic algorithm.
a list of parameters.
'codage_func': the function which will perform the coding and decoding of individuals (default function: codage_identity).
'init_func': the function which will perform the initialization of the population (default function: init_ga_default).
'crossover_func': the function which will perform the crossover between two individuals (default function: crossover_ga_default).
'mutation_func': the function which will perform the mutation of one individual (default function: mutation_ga_default).
'selection_func': the function whcih will perform the selection of individuals at the end of a generation (default function: selection_ga_elitist).
'nb_couples': the number of couples which will be selected so as to perform the crossover and mutation (default value: 100).
'pressure': the value the efficiency of the worst individual (default value: 0.05).
the radius of the sharing area.
the power coefficient of the penalty formula.
the population of optimal individuals.
the set of objective function values associated to pop_opt (optional).
the initial population of individuals (optional).
the set of objective function values associated to pop_init (optional).