repfreq — frequency response
[ [frq,] repf]=repfreq(sys,fmin,fmax [,step]) [ [frq,] repf]=repfreq(sys [,frq]) [ frq,repf,splitf]=repfreq(sys,fmin,fmax [,step]) [ frq,repf,splitf]=repfreq(sys [,frq])
list : SIMO linear system
two real numbers (lower and upper frequency bounds)
real vector of frequencies (Hz)
logarithmic discretization step
vector of indexes of critical frequencies.
vector of the complex frequency response
returns the frequency response calculation of a linear
system. If sys(s)
is the transfer function of Sys
, repf(k)
equals sys(s)
evaluated at s= %i*frq(k)*2*%pi
for continuous time systems and
at exp(2*%i*%pi*dt*frq(k))
for discrete time systems (dt
is the sampling period).
is the magnitude of repf(k)
expressed in dB i.e.
and phi(k)
is the phase
of repf(k)
expressed in degrees.
If fmin,fmax,step
are input parameters, the response is calculated
for the vector of frequencies frq
given by:
frq=[10.^((log10(fmin)):step:(log10(fmax))) fmax];
If step
is not given, the output parameter frq
is calculated by frq=calfrq(sys,fmin,fmax)
Vector frq
is splitted into regular parts with the split
has no critical frequency.
has a pole in the range [frq(splitf(k)),frq(splitf(k)+1)]
no poles outside.
A=diag([-1,-2]);B=[1;1];C=[1,1]; Sys=syslin('c',A,B,C); frq=0:0.02:5;w=frq*2*%pi; //frq=frequencies in Hz ;w=frequencies in rad/sec; [frq1,rep] =repfreq(Sys,frq); [db,phi]=dbphi(rep); Systf=ss2tf(Sys) //Transfer function of Sys x=horner(Systf,w(2)*sqrt(-1)) // x is Systf(s) evaluated at s = i w(2) rep=20*log(abs(x))/log(10) //magnitude of x in dB db(2) // same as rep ang=atan(imag(x),real(x)); //in rad. ang=ang*180/%pi //in degrees phi(2) repf=repfreq(Sys,frq); repf(2)-x