ScilabEval — tcl instruction : Evaluate a string with scilab interpreter
ScilabEval instruction ScilabEval instruction "seq" ScilabEval instruction "sync" ScilabEval instruction "sync" "seq" ScilabEval "flush"
tcl string character contains a Scilab instruction to evaluate with the current Scilab interpreter.
This function must be called in a tcl/tk script executed from Scilab. It allows to associate Scilab actions to tcl/tk widgets (graphic objects) or to use Scilab to perform some computations within a tcl script.
If the ScilabEval instruction
syntax is used, the
is first stored in a FIFO queue,
returns immediately. Scilab executes the
queued instructions
when possible (it should be at the
prompt but also at the end of each instructions of the currently
running function) in the order they were submitted. This syntax can be
used to associate Scilab actions to tcl/tk widgets but not into a tcl
script executed by TCL_EvalFile or TCL_EvalStr
because in this situation the Scilab interpreter is blocked up to the
end of the script. Note that with the
ScilabEval instruction
syntax, if there are many
commands stored in the queue the execution of the second one can be
started in the middle of the execution of the first one (in particular
if the first one contains more than a simple expression).
If the "seq"
option is added, the associated
instruction evaluation should be finished (or paused) before the next
queued instruction evaluation can be started. The next callback stored
in the command queue will only be taken into account when the current
one will be finished or paused.
If the ScilabEval instruction "sync"
syntax is used,
the instruction is executed immediately (not queued) and the
returns when the instruction
evaluation is finished. The scilab instruction
evaluation may be interrupted by new or queued commands.
If the "seq"
option is added, the associated
instruction evaluation should be finished (or paused) before any
queued instruction evaluation can be started. The scilab
evaluation may not be interrupted by new or
queued commands (except if it is paused).
If the ScilabEval "flush"
syntax is used, all the
previously queued instructions
are executed immediately
and the ScilabEval returns when the execution is finished. Each
is executed with the option used at the time
of queuing up (i.e. seq
or no option).
The evaluation context of all these cases is the current Scilab context
when theinstruction
evaluation starts.
//Callbacks and "seq" option usage //create tcl instructions tcl_script=['toplevel .w1' 'button .w1.b -text ""Click here to execute without seq option"" -command WithoutSeq' 'button .w1.b1 -text ""Click here to execute with seq option"" -command WithSeq' 'pack .w1.b .w1.b1' 'proc WithoutSeq {} { '; ' ScilabEval ""cont=%f;;cont=%t;"" ' ' ScilabEval ""if cont then disp(''ok''),else disp(''wrong'');end;cont=%f;"" ' '}' 'proc WithSeq {} { '; ' ScilabEval ""cont=%f;;cont=%t;"" ""seq""' ' ScilabEval ""if cont then disp(''ok''),else disp(''wrong'');end;cont=%f;"" ' '}']; mputl(tcl_script,TMPDIR+'/test.tcl') //write them to a file // Execute the tcl script cont=%f; TCL_EvalFile(TMPDIR+'/test.tcl');; //scripts and "sync" option usage //----------------without "sync"---------------- tcl_script=[' set t ""0""' ' while {$t != ""10""} {' ' ScilabEval ""a=$t;mprintf(''%d '',a);""' ' incr t' ' }']; mputl(tcl_script,TMPDIR+'/test.tcl') //write them to a file // Execute the tcl script TCL_EvalFile(TMPDIR+'/test.tcl');mprintf('TCL_EvalFile finished\n'); // The ScilabEval are executed after the and of TCL_EvalFile //----------------with "sync"---------------- tcl_script=[' set t ""0""' ' while {$t != ""10""} {' ' ScilabEval ""a=$t;mprintf(''%d '',a);"" ""sync""' ' incr t' ' }']; mputl(tcl_script,TMPDIR+'/test.tcl') //write them to a file // Execute the tcl script TCL_EvalFile(TMPDIR+'/test.tcl');mprintf('TCL_EvalFile finished\n'); // The ScilabEval are executed synchronously with TCL_EvalFile