vec2list — list2vec reciprocal function
An m by n matrix. Each column is used to generate the corresponding list entry.
An n by 2 matrix. Each row give the dimensions of the matrix to be built with the correponding column of bigVector.
a list with n entries. Each entry is a vector of positive integers which gives the hierchical path where the corresponding matrix has to be put.
a list or a recursive list with n leaves. The list entries (or leaves) are 2D matrices built with the corresponding column of bigVector and size given by the corresponding row of varsizes.
If the ind argument is not given, this function creates a list. The list entries (or leaves) are 2D matrices built with the corresponding column of bigVector and size given by the corresponding row of varsizes.
If the ind argument is given, this function creates a hierachical list with n leaves. The leaves are 2D matrices built with the corresponding column of bigVector and size given by the corresponding row of varsizes. The hierachical path for each leaf if given by the corresponding entry of ind.
This function is a subsidiary for lmisolver