Copyright Notice

Author of this file : Pierre Brochard CEA/DAM-Ile de France

This file describes the rights for using Narcisse and its documentation and the nature of the copyright for users. This file is written with the ASCII standard of characters. The Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (France) is also named CEA in the rest of the text.

In case of differences between English and French version of this license, the french version is the reference version.

  1. Narcisse and the files associated inside the installation directory is a software for scientific visualization owned by the CEA and is Copyright by the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique and its authors (Pierre Brochard et al.). All rights are reserved.
  2. narcisse and nx libs are included into Narcisse and can be used under the conditions of the LGPL license version 2.0 from the Free Software Foundation which can be read in the LICENSELGPL.txt file placed in the same directory as this file. Their filenames are libnarcisse.a and libnx.a for the static library version and* and* for the dynamic library version.
  3. The documentation of Narcisse which is every files or subdirectories in V1.3/doc inside the present directory and derivatives generated by V1.3/bin/STD/InstallNarcisseWWW can be used under the conditions of the FDL license version 1.1 from the Free Software Foundation which can be read in the LICENSEFDL.txt file placed in the same directory as this file.
  4. Narcisse and all its files, except the two librairies narcisse and nx and the files inside V1.3/doc, can be used under the conditions of the GPL license version 2.0 from the Free Software Foundation which can be read in the LICENSEGPL.txt file placed in the same directory as this file.
  5. The following items applies also to Narcisse and all its files :
    1. Narcisse and all its files is governed by the laws of France. It can be used under the conditions of the GPL, LGPL and FDL license previously designed. Sources and some compiled binaries for UNIX systems are provided.
    2. The CEA offer no warranty to support the Narcisse package which is provided to you AS IS without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
    3. The use of Narcisse implies the agreement of the present license. In the case you don't agree with this license or if every notice for this license isn't fully given with your distribution, you have no rights to use, copy, modify or distribute this software and its documentation.


The CEA shall not be liable for any damages suffered or provoqued by you as a result of using, modyfing or distributing the Narcisse package or any derivative work.